Monica Che Monica Che

언어를 배운다는 것(To learn a language)

To learn a new language is to absorb all the contents scattered between the horizons of that language.

언어를 새롭게 배운다는 것은, 그 언어의 지평 사이사이에 있는 모든 내용들을 흡수한다는 것이다.

또한, 언어를 배우는 자신을 원래 가지고 있던 자신의 세계로부터 기꺼이 새로운 세계에 노출시키겠다는 것이다.

애초에 이중 언어를 완벽히 구사하는 것은 불가하다. 자신의 모국어에 기대어 새로운 언어를 이해하는 것이다.

그러므로, 새롭게 언어를 배운다는 것은 나 자신을 그 알 수 없는 새로운 세계에 내맡기고, 두 세계의 경계에 머무르면서 새로운 자신을 만들어가는 것이다.

by hanho daily

To learn a language - to learn a new language is to absorb all the contents scattered between the horizons of that language.

Moreover, it is willingly exposing oneself from one's original world to a new world.

It is impossible to perfectly master bilingualism from the outset. It is about understanding a new language relying on one's mother tongue.

Therefore, to learn a new language is to entrust oneself to that unknown new world and, while lingering at the boundaries of two worlds, to create a new self.

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Korean, Hangul, Language, Korean Alphabet Monica Che Korean, Hangul, Language, Korean Alphabet Monica Che

How to read and write Hangul

The Korean Alphabet

Correct Sounds for

Enlightening the People

- Invented 1443

- Promulgated 1446

This article is based on Zev Handel who works for University of Washington.

Chinese oracle bones

- 3250 yrs before present

 - divination records of

Shang dynasty kings

- cattle scapulae and

turtle plastrons

- partially deciphered

one of four ex nihilo

- inventions of writing by

our species; the only

one still in use

mǎ ‘horse’

: Oracle Bone Graph -> Modern graph

Early Writing in Korea

Classical Chinese + Vernacular Korean

Sejong the Great (1397-1450)

: The Korean Alphabet

Correct Sounds for

Enlightening the People

- Invented 1443

- Promulgated 1446

Designed on scientific principles




“The wise can learn it

in a morning,


stupid in a week.”

Alveolar Sounds ( relating to or denoting the bony ridge that contains the sockets of the upper teeth.)

n, d, t, l

same place of


Letter Shape Principles

letter shapes

derived from

single base form

Syllable Block Principles


ᄇ ᅮ ᄉ ᅡ ᄂ

Two Syllables


ᄇ ᅮ ᄉ ᅡ ᄂ

Syllable Block Principles


ᄇ ᅮ ᄉ ᅡ ᄂ

부 산

Use of Hangul

Following its invention, Hangul was not widely used

until the early 20th century

Classical Chinese, written in Chinese characters,

remained the standard written language from the

15th through 19th centuries

Written Korean supplanted Classical Chinese only in

the 20th century

Written Korean used a mixed-script system of

Chinese characters and Hangul until quite recently

Korean written syllables

A written syllable block is structured this way:

Initial at the top or

top left: s

Vowel below or

right of initial: a

Final at bottom: n




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