Introduction to Korean Beginners
Korea has a very rich traditional culture which is enthusiastically preserved at home as well as a contemporary culture which is flourishing globally.
Through the study of the Korean language, you can access every aspect of Korea, including its culture and people.
Classes are divided into 39 units.
It usually takes 1 or 2 hours per unit.
· Skills in effective communication.
· Knowledge of the nature of language.
· Understanding of the interdependence of language and culture.
The language to be studied and assessed is the modern standard version of Korean.
Learners should be aware of different levels of language, for example, casual, informal and formal.
A. Topics
인사 (Greeting)
대학 캠퍼스(The university campus)
한국어 수업(Korean language school)
숫자 및 날짜(Numbers and date)
한국의 문화(Korean culture)
나의 하루(My day)
주말(The weekend)
서울에서(In Seoul)
연구실에서(At a professional office)
기숙사 생활(Living in a dormitory)
전화( On the phone)
공항에서(At the airport)
방학과 휴일(School vacation and Holiday)
음식점에서(At a restaurant)
B. Grammar
Text forms
(Polite Informal Form, Informal (Casual) Form…)
Particles and Suffixes
(Topic particles, Subject particles, Object particles, Locative particle, Particle indicating place, Particle indicating time, Particle conveying inclusiveness…)
(pure-numbers, sino-numbers, original numbers…)
(time, frequency, degree, duration, common, negative, superlative…)
(using sino-numbers, using pure-numbers…)
C. Reference
Integrated Korean beginning 1,2
For Adults
Talk to me Korean 1,2
Yonsei 1-1 to 2-1
For Teens
Korean for Overseas Koreans (English) 1-1 to 2-2
Learners who learn another language understand how languages work as systems. They become aware of the structure of that language through the analysis of patterns and can apply this knowledge to the learning of other languages. By making comparisons between and among languages, students strengthen their command of their first language.
Introduction to Korean Intermediate Learners
Classes are divided into 44 units.
It usually takes 1 or 2 hours per unit.
• Ability to use Korean to communicate with others
• Understanding and appreciation of the cultural contexts in which Korean is used
• Ability to reflect on their own culture(s) through the study of other cultures
• Understanding of language as a system
• Ability to make connections between Korean and English and/or other languages
• Cognitive, learning and social skills
• Potential to apply Korean to work, further study, training or leisure.
The language to be studied and assessed is the modern standard/official version of Korean. Learners will need to be aware of:
• The difference between spoken and written forms of Korean
• The different levels of language use, for example, honorifics, humble forms
• The 3 levels of sentence endings, for example, 습/ㅂ니다, 아/어요, 아/어 forms
A. Topics
날씨와 계절 (Weather and Seasons)
옷과 유행(Clothing and Fashion)
우체국에서(At the post office)
대중교통(Public Transportation)
시장에서(At a Market)
주말(The weekend)
생일초대(Birthday Invitation)
이발소와 미용실(Barbershops and Hair Salons)
한국의 명절(Holidays in Korea)
병원과 약국(Hospitals and Drugstores)
문화차이(Cultural Differences)
전공과 직업(Majors and jobs)
B. Grammar
Grammar can be referred to as the organisation of, and relationship between, all the elements that constitute a language as it functions.
It is recognised that students will already have acquired a significant understanding of the function of grammar in Korean through prior knowledge or study of Korean.
However, developing the student’s ability to convey meaning effectively in a range of contexts will necessarily involve extending their awareness of the system of structures underlying the language, as well as their ability both to apply and adapt this knowledge.
Particles and Suffixes
(Topic particles, Subject particles, Object particles, Locative positional, Implement, Introductory statement…)
Connectives / Links
Location(following a noun)
Classifiers(using sino-numbers, using pure-numbers…)
C. Reference
Integrated Korean Intermediate 1,2
For Adults
Talk to me Korean 3-5
Yonsei 2-2 to 4-1
한국어 문장 쓰기의 모든 것(Everything of Writing Korean sentences)
For Teens
Korean for Overseas Koreans (English) 3-1 to 4-2
Introduction to Korean Advanced Learners
Classes are divided into 50 units.
It usually takes 1 hour per unit.
Ability to use Korean to communicate with others
Understanding and appreciation of the cultural contexts in which Korean is used
Ability to reflect on their own and other cultures
Understanding of language as a system
Opportunities to make connections between Korean and English and/or other languages
Cognitive, learning and social skills
Potential to apply Korean to work, further study, training or leisure.
The language to be studied is the modern standard/official version of Korean.
You will need to be aware of:
The differences between spoken and written forms of Korean;
The different levels of language use (eg honorifics, formal and informal);
Current language use (eg spelling);
A. Topics
Themes provide a context and organisational focus within which learners will develop their knowledge of Korean. The study of themes and contemporary issues, presented through a range of texts, will enable learners to reflect on and respond to aspects of the language and culture of Korean-speaking communities.
You will develop skills in exchanging, analysing and evaluating information, opinions and ideas.
대인관계 (Interpersonal relations)
노래방(Noraebang, Singing Rooms)
한가위(Korean Full Moon Festival)
유머인생(A Life of humour)
문화유산(Cultural Heritage)
플루트연주자(The flutist)
철학하는 바보(A philosophizing fool)
미국인이 본 한국인(The American’s view of the Korea)
거북선과 콜라병(The turtle boat and coca cola bottle)
정보화 시대(The information age)
건강관리(Staying in good health)
발렌타인데이(Valentine day)
한국인의 생활(Korean life style)
흥부와 놀부(Heungbu and Nolbu)
B. Grammar
Grammar can be referred to as the organisation of, and relationship between, all the elements that constitute a language as it functions.
It is recognised that students will already have acquired a significant understanding of the function of grammar in Korean through prior knowledge or study of Korean.
However, developing the student’s ability to convey meaning effectively in a range of contexts will necessarily involve extending their awareness of the system of structures underlying the language, as well as their ability both to apply and adapt this knowledge.
Verb Classes
Verbs in Korean are the predicates in the sentence. Various meanings are given to verbs by conjugation. Korean verbs may be divided into action verbs and adjectival (descriptive) verbs. The original form of the verb is verb stem + … Dictionaries are organised according to this original form.
It is recognised that Hanja is a part of the Korean language. In the course of studying a range of texts in Korean, students may encounter Hanja. However, students are not expected to produce Hanja.
C. Reference
Integrated Korean Advanced Intermediate 1,2
For Adults
Talk to me Korean 6-8
Yonsei 4-2 to 6-2
한국어 문장 쓰기의 모든 것(Everything of Writing Korean sentences)
For Teens
Korean for Overseas Koreans (English) 5-1 to 6-2
A1: Beginner 1
A2: Beginner 2
B1: Intermediate learner 1
B2: Intermediate 2
C1: Advanced 1
C2: Advanced 2