Monica Che Monica Che

언어를 배운다는 것(To learn a language)

To learn a new language is to absorb all the contents scattered between the horizons of that language.

언어를 새롭게 배운다는 것은, 그 언어의 지평 사이사이에 있는 모든 내용들을 흡수한다는 것이다.

또한, 언어를 배우는 자신을 원래 가지고 있던 자신의 세계로부터 기꺼이 새로운 세계에 노출시키겠다는 것이다.

애초에 이중 언어를 완벽히 구사하는 것은 불가하다. 자신의 모국어에 기대어 새로운 언어를 이해하는 것이다.

그러므로, 새롭게 언어를 배운다는 것은 나 자신을 그 알 수 없는 새로운 세계에 내맡기고, 두 세계의 경계에 머무르면서 새로운 자신을 만들어가는 것이다.

by hanho daily

To learn a language - to learn a new language is to absorb all the contents scattered between the horizons of that language.

Moreover, it is willingly exposing oneself from one's original world to a new world.

It is impossible to perfectly master bilingualism from the outset. It is about understanding a new language relying on one's mother tongue.

Therefore, to learn a new language is to entrust oneself to that unknown new world and, while lingering at the boundaries of two worlds, to create a new self.

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Monica Che Monica Che

사계절 the four seasons

This article is about Korea’s four seasons

Korea is located in the East Asian monsoon belt. The mean temperature of the hottest month (August) is above 25℃ (approximately 77℉). The mean temperature during winter is generally below zero. The mean temperature in January in Seoul is -3.5℃ (approximately 30℉).


The summer monsoon season, called 장마(jang-ma )'the rainy spell', brings abundant moisture from the ocean and produces heavy rainfalls. About 70 percent of Korean annual comes between June and September.

A midsummer night's cosmos. Omok-gyo, Seoul

A midsummer night's cosmos. Omok-gyo, Seoul

With the arrival of spring come swallows, migratory birds from the south, and the blossoming of forsythia, azalea, and cherry blossoms. The spring rains are crucial for preparing seedbed for rice, sowing spring vegetables, and planting summer crops.


Autumn is a season of transition from the hot, humid summer weather to the cold, dry winter weather is indispensable for the rice to ripen and the farmers to harvest it.

On my way to school in Autumn. Mok-dong, Seoul

Mok-dong, Seoul

Mok-dong, Seoul

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