한국의 피카소, 김환기 Korea’ Picasso, Kim Whanki

한국의 화가 김환기

Korea’s artist, Whanki Kim

Kim belongs to the first generation of Korean Abstract artists, mixing oriental concepts and ideals with abstraction. With refined and moderated formative expression based on Korean Lyricism, he created his characteristic art world. His artworks largely dealt with diverse hues and patterns. Kim's early works were semi-abstract paintings which allowed beholders to see certain forms, but his later works were more deeply absorbed abstract paintings, filled with lines and spaces. -from Wikipedia

론도 Rondo

사슴 Deer

봄의 소리 sound of spring

화실 atelier

The Colour of Home, Whanki-blue

Artist Kim Whanki incorporated so much blue in his works that the word “Whanki-blue” became a popular term in Korea. For him, the colour blue was reminiscent of his motherland. He was born on an island village surrounded by water and the clear blue sky.

During a private exhibition in Paris, when asked what the country of Korea is like, he responded:

“Korea is surrounded by water on all its three sides. The colour of the East Sea is so blue that once you dip a white handkerchief in it, it’ll come out blue.” -from

“영원의 노래 Song of Eternity” (1957) recently visited by BTS’s Rap Monster


Signal(South Korean TV series)


그 여자네 집Her house - 김용택 Yong Taek Kim