토요 한글학교 수업 - 동물원 Saturday Korean School - Zoo

1.   동물원에 가본 경험에 대해 이야기해보자

-어느 동물원에 가보았는가

-무슨 동물을 보았는가

-그때의 기분이 어땠는가

-동물들이 동물원에 있을 때 어떤 기분을 느끼겠는가

-타롱가 주 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfGDBZlbfwk

-서울대공원 동물원 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZR3QLp6AYM

-호주와 한국의 동물원은 어떤 차이가 있는가

  1. Let's talk about our experience of going to the zoo.

    -Which zoo have you been to?

    -What animal did you see?

    -How did you feel then?

    -How do animals feel when they are in the zoo?

  -Taroonga zoo Taroonga zoo

-Seoul National Park Zoo Seoul Zoo

2.   동물원은 나쁜 걸까?

-왜 굳이 동물을 동물원에 놓고 기를까(동물원의 존재 이유)

-동물원의 동물은 자유롭게 다닐 수 있는가

-동물원의 철새들은 어떻게 추위와 더위를 견딜까

-동면을 하는 동물들은 어떻게 겨울을 날까

-동물원을 못가면 평생 못보는 동물들이 많은 것이다

2. Is the zoo a bad thing?

- Why keep animals in zoos? (Reasons for zoo existence)

- Can animals in zoos move freely?
-How do migratory birds in zoos withstand the cold and heat?

-How do hibernating animals survive the winter?

- If you can't go to the zoo, there are many animals you can't see in your life.


3.   동물원의 동물들은 어떤 장점과 단점이 있을까?


-오래 산다(코끼리 60-65(70-75), 하마 40(50), 호랑이 15(26), 기린 20(36)

-근친교배가 일어나서 유전적 다양성이 부족하다

 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of zoo animals?

- Discussion

-Live long (Elephant 60-65(70-75), hippo 40(50), tiger 15(26), giraffe 20(36)

- Lack of genetic diversity due to inbreeding

4.   동물원으로 돈을 벌 수 있을까?

  -우리는 동물원을 샀다 트레일러 감상


  -생태교육의 중요성 토론하기

    -생태교육이 무엇일까?(새끼를 몇 마리 낳고, 서식지가 어디이고, 어떤 생활습관을 가졌는지, 멸종위기가 있다면 어떤 식의 대처를 해야 하는지, 동물을 보존하는 방법이 무엇인지 알려주는 교육)

   -생태교육은 자연보호를 위한 거시적인 투자이다

4. Can we make money through running the zoo?

- watch “We bought a zoo” trailer

- Discuss the importance of ecological education

-What is ecological education? (Teaching how many babies animals have, where their habitats are, what lifestyle they have, how to deal with them if they are endangered, and how to preserve them.)

- Ecological education is a macro-investment in nature conservation

5. 학습지를 통해 핵심 키워드 배우기(멸종, 서식, 수명, 동면, 번식, 동물 이름, 생태교육, 자연보호...)

5. Learn keywords (extinction, habitat, life expectancy, hibernation, breeding, animal name, ecological education, nature conservation...


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