Again, Winter in Australia 다시, 호주의 겨울

Not all countries have all four seasons.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

How many people in this world have experienced all four seasons?

Officially, Australia has winter.

Winter in Australia

They divide the year into three-month intervals to name the seasons.

From September to November is spring, from December to February is summer, and from March to May is autumn. Therefore, June to August is winter.

Compared to other seasons in Australia, winter is indeed cold. However, compared to the winter in Korea, where I used to live, Australian winter is mild.

It's somewhat like late autumn, somewhat like early spring weather.

But unlike Korea, where heating is well installed, Australian winter feels cold.

There are no ondol (traditional Korean underfloor heating) or walls insulated with Styrofoam.

You have to endure winter entirely.

People always tend to consider their birthplace and upbringing as the best.

When Australian winter comes, I miss the warm rooms in Korea.

But is it only the warm rooms that I miss?



spring in Australia

  1. Spring: In Australia, spring typically occurs from September to November. It is characterized by mild temperatures, blooming flowers, and vibrant green landscapes.

  2. Summer: From December to February, Australia experiences its summer season. It is known for hot temperatures, sunny days, and a popular time for beach activities.

  3. Autumn: March to May is considered autumn in Australia. During this season, the weather becomes cooler, and the leaves change color, creating beautiful golden and red landscapes.

  4. Winter: Australian winter takes place from June to August. It is generally milder compared to other countries, but some regions may experience colder temperatures. Winter in Australia may include rainfall, especially along the coastal areas.


  1. Spring: Spring in Korea typically occurs from March to May. It is a beautiful season characterized by cherry blossoms, mild temperatures, and the awakening of nature after the winter.

  2. Summer: From June to August, Korea experiences its summer season. It is generally hot and humid, with occasional rain showers. This period is often associated with outdoor activities and summer festivals.

  3. Autumn: September to November is considered autumn in Korea. The weather becomes cooler, and the leaves turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow. Autumn is a popular time for hiking and enjoying the picturesque fall foliage.

  4. Winter: Korean winter takes place from December to February. It is known for its cold temperatures and occasional snowfall, especially in the northern regions. Winter in Korea offers opportunities for skiing, ice skating, and enjoying warm beverages.

모든 나라가 다 사계절이 있는 것은 아니다.

봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울.

이 세상에 사계절을 다 경험해본 사람은 얼마나 될까.

공식적으로 호주는 겨울이다.

그들은 일년을 3개월씩 나누어서 계절을 명명한다.

9월부터 11월은 봄, 12월부터 2월은 여름, 3월부터 5월은 가을. 그래서, 6월부터 8월은 겨울이다.

호주의 다른 계절에 비해 물론 겨울은 춥다. 하지만 내가 살던 한국에 비해 호주의 겨울은 온화하다.

어찌 보면 늦가을, 어찌 보면 초봄의 날씨에 가깝다.

그러나 한국처럼 난방이 잘 설치되지 않아서 호주의 겨울은 춥게 느껴진다.

한국에 있는 온돌이라든가, 스티로폼으로 덧댄 벽들이 없다.

오롯이 겨울을 견뎌야 한다.

언제나 사람들은 자기가 태어나고 자라온 곳을 최고로 여기기 마련이다.

호주의 겨울이 오면, 한국의 따뜻한 방이 그립다.

하지만 어디 그리운 것이 따뜻한 방 뿐일까.


Globalisation and travel 세계화와 여행


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